Pics from PAX East!

Hi everyone! Thought I’d post up a few pics I took over the past two days at PAX East in Boston. I should note that these pictures were taken using my cell phone, so the quality isn’t that great, but I wanted to let everyone see our booth and stuff:


Nice pic of the Boston cityline from the convention center, I thought.


The screenprint was covered in plastic to protect it, but this is a huge piece of artwork that was given away at the Turbine fan appreciation party on Friday. This is truly awesome, I wanted one for myself soooo bad! 🙂 (FYI – this is a concept art of a dragon made for the game.)


Here’s a pic of the awesome messenger bags we are giving away at the Turbine/WB booth.

ddo-pillarThe DDO kiosk “pillar.”


The Lord of the Rings kiosk “pillar.”


One of my favorite spots at PAX is the American Classic Arcade Museum, where they have dozens of classic arcade machines set to free to play! Moon Patrol has always been a personal favorite of mine.


Pic from the 2nd floor, above where everyone gets into the convention.


The WB Games booth! You can see the DDOness from here!

Anyway, thanks everyone who stopped by, it was really great to meet you! It’s Sunday, heading back to the convention shortly…

5 thoughts on “Pics from PAX East!

  1. Will those messenger bags be available for Pax Prime? I know we’re at the tail end of the convention year and all, but we deserve some love here too. If so, what did you need to do to get one? I already play DDO, so hopefully it’s for something other than registering to play.

  2. I really liked the bags. I found myself storing and pulling out all sorts of odds and ends. It was truly a handy haversack!

  3. I love the bags too! They’re really awesome. Hush Puppy: Not sure what will be available for PAX Prime, but if we don’t have the bags I’m sure we’ll have something equally cool.

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